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沈雲龍編著《尹仲容先生年譜初稿》 尹仲容《呂氏春秋校釋》





 尹仲容先生1949.7.17致沈怡:" .......在檢討之中  知人私其所私思之風氣瀰漫中國  蓋知對人無  Cooperation對事無 Coordination   非虛言也.......最近閱Vogt 的The Road to Survival 雖屬於悲觀 然係確有見地之書......" (《尹仲容先生年譜初稿》頁100 已更正作者及書名)


這本書強調的人口問題的壓力  這也是50年代台灣的政經領域的壓力之源
譬如說 1955.4.6 尹仲容先生 在革命實踐研究院講的"台灣經濟建設問題" pp.286-318 說明政府撤退來台的數百萬人口的生產力無法維持日治時代的經濟水平......

 《尹仲容先生年譜初稿》有些地方過份簡略 譬如 1961年7月1日~7日的陽明山會談 只說 :
 "....討論反攻復國大計  先生應邀出席"一行 可能當時資料從缺 ( 頁597   下一記事日是7月14日  換句話說尹仲容先生的13天既錄從缺 )

William Vogt (May 15, 1902 – July 11, 1968) was an ecologist and ornithologist, with a strong interest in population control. He was the author of best-seller Road to Survival (1948), National Director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and secretary of the Conservation Foundation.
William Vogt was born in Mineola, New York. After graduating with honors in 1925 from St. Stephens (now Bard) College, he was, among other things, an early opponent of marshland drainage for mosquito control and later assumed a series of positions that gave him the opportunity to further pursue his interests in birds and the environment.
In 1942, he was made Associate Director of the Division of Science and Education of the Office of the Coordinator in Inter-American Affairs. Later he served as Chief of the Conservation Section of the Pan American Union, he was given the opportunity to study the relationship between climate, population and resources, in various Latin American countries. These experiences formed the background to the perspective he later elaborated on in his Road to Survival, a book motivated by his strong belief that then-current trends in fertility and economic growth were rapidly destroying the environment and undermining the quality of life of future generations. Vogt’s most significant contribution was to link environmental and perceived overpopulation problems, warning in no uncertain terms that current trends would deliver future wars, hunger, disease and civilizational collapse.
Road to Survival was an influential best seller. It had a big impact on a Malthusian revival in the 1950s and 60s. After its publication he dedicated many activities to the cause of overpopulation. From 1951 to 1962, he served as a National Director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In 1964, he became the Secretary of the Conservation Foundation. He served as a representative of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources to the United Nations until his death. "Upon his death on July 11, 1968, he was remembered for the provocative questions he had dared to ask and for tackling a subjectmatter that remained shrouded in controversy."[1]


  1. ^Pierre Desrochers; Christine Hoffbauer (2009). "The Post War Intellectual Roots of the Population Bomb". The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development1(3): 73–97. Retrieved 2010-02-01.


ROAD TO SURVIVAL. By WILLIAM VOGT. William One can imagine ...

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ROAD TO SURVIVAL. By WILLIAM VOGT. William. Slodne Associates, New York. 335 Pages. 1948. $4.00. One can imagine that we conservationists are sailing ...

他忙碌得不想到死  他為生活的目的而欣賞
      生活不是殘燭 而是光亮的火炬

* 翻譯有點改動原文可能是
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is sort of a splendid torch which I have a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it over to future generations”.

Words of Knowledge: Life is no brief candle to me – G.B. Shaw...


Life is no “brief candle” ...

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George Bernard Shaw–. In an address at the Municipal Technical College and School of Art, at Brighton in 1907. Life is no “brief candle” ... (1) Macbeth (V, v, ...
www.thecoachingcenter.net/Newsletter/.../BriefCandle.... -翻譯這個網頁
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George Bernard Shaw–. In an address at the Municipal Technical College and School of Art, at Brighton in 1907. Life is no “brief candle” ... (1) Macbeth (V, v, ...




尹仲如先生(1903-1963)是近代管理人(administrative man),對台灣的經濟發展等很有貢獻,很有中國讀書人的風骨。









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