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on Charlie Hebdo – facing down hatred with laughter. 諷刺刊物的真精神


Ian McEwan on Charlie Hebdo – facing down hatred with laughter

The slaughter in Paris was a tragedy for the open society – the free speech debate must revive
A vigil in La Place de la République in Paris.
 A vigil in La Place de la République in Paris. Photograph: Youssef Boudlal/Reuters
Murderous and self-sanctifying, radical Islam has become a global attractor for psychopaths. It has never been embarrassed to proclaim its list of hatreds: education, tolerance, plurality, pleasure and, above all, freedom of expression – the freedom that underpins all others. Even more important than the abstractions are the people that jihadists hate and have killed: children, schoolgirls, gays, women, atheists, non-Muslims, and many, many Muslims. To that list we must now add the brave and lively staff of Charlie Hebdo, who hoped to face down hatred with laughter. The slaughter in Paris is a tragedy for the open society. On a dark night for mental freedom, a few fragile points of light: the calm, determined crowds gathered in cities across France; the hope that the general revulsion at these murders might have a unifying effect; the fact that a cult rooted in hate is a frail thing and cannot last; the fact that the psychopaths are vastly outnumbered.


「他們為《查理》敲響聖母院的鐘,咩啊這是在做夢嗎!」,《查理週報》主筆Gérard Biard星期五歎道,強調了這情形的諷刺性:反教會的期刊竟在巴黎最著名的大教堂被一致地讚揚。
好幾個撰稿成員,都帶著一點苦澀,來接受這些對一本不過幾天前還幾乎沒人支持的期刊表達站在一起的呼聲。在他們之間,女撰稿人Zineb El Rhazoui向《世界報》解釋:
另外有人根本不去遊行,就像Lauernt Léger,《查理週報》的研究與調查記者:
「我不會去星期天的遊行,但我相信自己是《查理週報》唯一一個做此抉擇的人。我一般不喜歡遊行,我想《查理週報》或許 ‪#‎能在一個有各色政客‬,還因此與國家陣線(註:法國極右政黨)針鋒相對的隊伍中缺席。但也就為了這爭執,我覺得這個相挺的運動非常好,我也希望星期天有很多人去遊行。」
在Les Inrocks(註:從網路發跡的新興媒體)上,從1月7日的襲擊中死裡逃生的畫家Luz認為,「今天這個象徵性的負荷,是《查理》孜孜矻矻所要對抗的一切」。他又說:
我們嘴上說著要記住Charb, Tignous, Cabu, Honoré, Wolinski(註:在事件中死難的刊物成員):他們肯定會對這種態度潑糞。」
荷蘭裔畫家Willem,本名Bernard Holtrop,在接受Le Point新聞訪談時說了最重的話。在回應荷蘭極右領袖Geert Wildres的支持時,他驚呼說:「我們會對這票突然就說是我們朋友的人嘔吐。」(註:想看Le Point報導的翻譯嗎?請自己翻。)
De Luz à Willem, plusieurs membres de la rédaction ont reçu avec un peu...

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