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A Sand County Almanac


Cover for  A Sand County Almanac

A Sand County Almanac

With Other Essays on Conservation from Round River

Second Edition

Aldo Leopold

  • Written with an unparalleled understanding of the ways of nature.
  • This book includes a section on the monthly changes of the Wisconsin countryside; informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere; and a final section in which Leopold addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation.

First published in 1949 and praised in The New York Times Book Review as "a trenchant book, full of vigor and bite," A Sand County Almanac combines some of the finest nature writing since Thoreau with an outspoken and highly ethical regard for America's relationship to the land.

Written with an unparalleled understanding of the ways of nature, the book includes a section on the monthly changes of the Wisconsin countryside; another part that gathers informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled through the woodlands of Wisconsin, Iowa, Arizona, Sonora, Oregon, Manitoba, and elsewhere; and a final section in which Leopold addresses the philosophical issues involved in wildlife conservation. As the forerunner of such important books as Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire, and Robert Finch's The Primal Place, this classic work remains as relevant today as it was forty years ago.

Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) began his professional career in 1909 when he joined the U.S. Forest Service. In 1924 he became Associate Director of the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, and in 1933 the University of Wisconsin created a chair of game management for him.

「沙地郡曆誌」是張心漪最後一本譯作,1987年出版,她已年過七十。這本A Sand County
Almanac是環保界的經典,後來有另一個譯本「沙郡年記」(台北:天下文化,1998 )。張心漪的丈夫費驊在1984年過世,費驊曾任財政部長,是台灣國家公園的催生者,馬以工以紀念費驊為理由,說動了高齡的張心漪翻譯此書,也因此這是她唯一一本冠夫姓的譯作。


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