- 作者在美國的NPR等網站,留下他令人難忘的聲音檔。
謝爾.希爾弗斯坦 Shel Silverstein(1932 – 1999)作 者 簡 介
他的作品全球總銷售量超過一千八百萬本,是同時受到大人及小孩喜愛的偉大作家之一。- Shel Silverstein (1930?-1999): poet, illustrator, songwriter and composer, The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends
- Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook [Hardcover] Shel Silverstein
See larger image
Shel Silverstein 的繪本書,台灣譯本已有七八本:不同的舞步(Different Dances,馮光遠譯,台北:玉山,2005),這書中文字,可能只百來字。
這不是為每一個人而寫的書,不過所有具精緻品味的人,都會喜愛這部機智作品裡的每一篇漫畫。-----------------出版人週刊Publisher’s Weekly
電視鬼才詹仁雄------------------ 聯手推薦!
一位為全家畫畫的圖畫作家——不同的人生舞步 不同的希爾弗斯坦
當 男孩被《一隻向後開槍的獅子》逗得樂不可支,女孩深深地被《失落的一角》感動不已,在《愛心樹》內翻閱為人母無私奉獻的媽媽,而謝爾.希爾弗斯坦當然也 沒忘了爸爸,為工作燃燒、為家人奮鬥的男人。於是他創作《不同的舞步》這本書,邀請每位讀者暫歇勞碌的腳步和煩躁的心情,脫掉領帶敞開心胸一起與謝爾跳一 支笑看人生百態的舞。
就因為現實生活比虛構世界更荒謬,只是大眾在幾次的震撼中逐漸麻痺身心。而透過謝爾.希爾弗斯坦的筆,簡單的線條勾勒岀真 實人生中無奈的反擊,以黑色幽默 的手法,包裝苦澀的追求、磨合的婚姻、嚴肅的教養和辛辣的兩性課題,提醒大家除了這些生活瑣事外,我們已經多久沒為一朵花夭折摧毀而掩面哭泣了呢?
A Light in the Attic
Last night while I lay thinking hereHere in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo with an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with Broiled Face, and find out what happens when Somebody steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a Mountain snores, and They Put a Brassiere on the Camel.
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?...
From the creator of the beloved poetry collections Where the Sidewalk Ends and Falling Up, here is another wondrous book of poems and drawings.
幾天前 無意間發現:
Where the Sidewalk Ends 竟然有翻譯本--
{人行道的盡頭} 希爾弗斯坦(ShelSilverstein)文.圖 ;
鄭小芸譯,臺北市 : 玉山社出版事業公司, 1995
在這本書pp.66-7 有一首 THE CROCODILE'S TOOTHACHE,有點意思,或許也可以當政治寓言。一笑。
Author 席佛斯坦 (Silverstein, Shel), 作
Title 一隻向後開槍的獅子 : 拉夫卡迪歐 / 希爾弗斯坦(ShelSilverstein)作 ; 鄭小芸譯.
Imprint 臺北市 : 玉山社出版事業公司, 1995[民84]
Where the Sidewalk Ends(book)
Where the Sidewalk Ends (1974) is a book of children's poetry written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein. The book's poems address many common childhood concerns, as well as presenting purely fanciful stories.
In 2004, a special 30th Anniversary Edition was published, which included 12 new poems.
The book has been banned or removed from some school libraries due to the rebellious and somewhat terrifying nature of some of the poems, and some risque illustrations.
30th Anniversary Special Edition Poem Titles The Truth About TurtlesOops!Mr. Grumpledump's SongNaked HippoWho's Taller?MonstersWeightliftressDon't Tell MeTen-O-CycleThe Unfunny JesterOpen-CloseGorilla*****
In 2004, a special 30th Anniversary Edition was published, which included 12 new poems.
The book has been banned or removed from some school libraries due to the rebellious and somewhat terrifying nature of some of the poems, and some risque illustrations.
Poem titles (1974 edition)
- Invitation
- The Acrobats
- Magic
- Homemade Boat
- I Must Remember
- The Fourth
- Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too
- Captain Hook Hear it Read
- Hug O' War
- It's Dark In Here
- Ourchestra
- Flag
- Colors
- The Loser
- Joey
- Listen to the Mustn'ts
- Jimmy Jet and His TV Set
- Early Bird
- Sky Seasoning Hear it Read
- The Farmer and the Queen
- Pancake?
- Smart
- Us
- I'm Making a List
- Me and My Giant
- Rain
- Two Boxes
- True Story
- Boa Constrictor
- Hector the Collector
- Invention Hear it Read
- The Gypsies Are Coming
- For Sale
- Sleeping Sardines
- One Inch Tall
- Enter This Deserted House
- Sick
- Upstairs
- The Garden
- Jumping Rope
- Who
- Ridiculous Rose
- Where the Sidewalk Ends Hear it Read
- Snowman
- The Crocodile's Toothache
- Thumbs
- Wild Boar
- Lester
- Sarah Cynthia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out
- Drats
- Hat
- My Rules
- Oh Have You Heard
- Warning
- The Unicorn
- Tree House
- The Flying Festoon
- No Difference
- Invisible Boy
- Tight Hat
- Peanut-Butter Sandwich
- Lazy Jane
- The Edge of the World
- Santa and the Reindeer
- The Toucan
- The Planet of Mars
- Love
- The Dirtiest Man in the World
- Point of View
- Magical Eraser
- Spaghetti
- Helping
- If I Had a Brontosaurus
- Benjamin Bunnn
- The Battle
- Minnow Minnie
- The Razor-Tailed Wren
- The Bloath
- The Yipiyuk
- What's in the Sack?
- Won't you?
- Alice
- Shadow Wash
- Recipe for a Hippopotamus Sandwich
- Eighteen Flavors
- Poor Angus
- What a Day
- Ma and God
- Bang-Klang
- Traffic Light
- Me-Stew
- Double-Tail Dog
- Paul Bunyan
- Dancing Pants
- I Won't Hatch!
- With His Mouth Full of Food
- My Hobby
- Instructions
- The Worst
- Tha Bagpipe Who Didn't Say No
- Rudy Felsh
- Fred?
- The Long-Haired Boy
- Band-Aids
- Dreadful
- Skinny
- The Land of Happy
- Pirate Captain Jim
- Fish?
- If the World Was Crazy
- Stone Telling
- Chester
- The Silver Fish
- Forgotten Language
- The Generals
- Just Me, Just Me
- Standing
- The One Who Stayed
- Melinda Mae
- The Little Blue Engine
- Afraid of the Dark
- Hungry Mungry
- My Beard
- Merry...
- The Search