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沉思錄 (Marcus Aurelius) 梁實秋等人譯

馬庫斯•奧瑞裏厄斯(121—180),羅馬皇帝。【他(瑪克斯.奧瑞利阿斯著)的名著『沉思錄』,梁實秋譯,台北:協志叢書 1959/1985 第18版】

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus --Live with the gods.
【Marcus Aurelius Antoninus A.D. 121–180.
Philosopher and emperor of Rome (161–180). His philosophical autobiography Meditations is a classic work of stoicism.這本著作中文本可能超過10本,也許你可考慮和梁實秋先生一起思辨之。】

羅馬帝國最興盛時期的奧里略皇帝(Marcus Aurelius)寫了《沉思錄》(Meditation),是他在跟蠻族打完仗後的夜霧瀰漫中,一個人在寂寞安靜的帳篷裡寫下的思維(Ta Eis Auton)。他認為靈魂也就是心智,是一個人唯一可以控制的東西。控制自己的心智就控制自己的思想進而控制自己的行動;良知就是知曉真理,口中說必真理,與人言必真理,一切生活都在真理中,要在生命的戰爭中為真理的戰役奮戰不懈。生命的意義就是要瞭解人生的責任是什麼,並竭盡所能去完成它,錯誤的知識和智慧是鏡花水月,它們會牽著你的鼻子走入歧途,我們必須在正邪之間清楚地抉擇,從而彰顯生命的真正意義。

the RomanEmperorHadrian, who writes a long letter to Marcus Aurelius, his successor and adoptive son.
Mémoires d'Hadrien is a novel by French writerMarguerite Yourcenar describing the life and death of the Romanemperor Hadrian, who meditates on his military triumphs, love of poetry and music and his philosophy and his passion for his lover Antinous, capturing what Gustave Flaubert calls "the melancholy of the antique world." The book was published in France in French in 1951 and was an immediate success, meeting with enormous critical acclaim.

中國過去20年可能有幾本Marcus Aurelius《沉思錄》(Meditation)的新譯,其一:

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